Majorworldwide concern
Whenit comes to those gross concerns that trouble much of the world population,obesity in both children and adult persons is certainly at the top of the list.Perhaps this is not familiar to a great majority of people, but on a yearly basis, as much ashundreds of deaths do take place as a direct consequence ofproblems and complications that are directly connected to weight. Another quitetroubling fact is that the number of obesity cases among children has been onthe rise for the past couple of decades. And according to the results of the medicalresearch studies as much as 18 to 33% of both children and teenagers on the territoryof the United States of America are obesity stricken. This, of course, is quitea big reason for some serious concern.
“Ideal”factors and determiners
Whenit comes to that specific proper weight that is commonly referred to as the idealweight, in cases of children, it refers to that healthiest of weight ranges that are determined by the age, sex, height and body type respectively. Given thefact that heredity also plays quite a significant role in a child’s weight,maintaining that most healthy and desirable weight is something that is muchmore easily calculated than transferred into practice.
Thismay be disappointing to many, but one ideal weight unfortunately does notexist, since it is completely dependable on the child’s age, sex, height, bodytype, overall structure of the body, as well as its racial background. Since childrenare in the phase when their bodies are still developing, it is to be noted thatthe ideal weight of a child will most certainly be quite different than the onefor an adult person. Having this in mind, weight and height representations foradult persons are constituted for those who surpass the 18 years of age mark.
Asfar as the ideal height and the weight of a child is concerned, regarded as thebest and most precise technique to employ is to calculate the child’s BMI,i.e. the body mass index by following this formula: weight/height squared andthen multiplied by 703. For the purpose of coming up with the accurate BMI ofa child, a parent should do a measurement of the height first (in inches) andweight (in pounds). Next step is to divide the weight by the square of theheight and multiply it by 703. If the final result is anywhere between 18.5 and24.9 the child is regarded as a quite healthy one.
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