What is Asthma?
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of respiratory tract. It often begins in childhood. Although, sometimes disappears on its own, many patients have the asthma for a whole life.The main triggers of the inflammation of the airways in the genetic predisposed people are specific stimuli (allergens) and non-specific stimuli (cigarette smoke, polluted air, cold air, physical effort), and various bacterial and viral respiratory tract inflammations.
Respiration and Heat
Heat causes human body struggling to maintain normal body temperature which requires greater consumption of oxygen in arterial blood. Besides inhalation of hot and humid air that irritates the airways and causes bronchial constriction and mucus accumulation, greater consumption of oxygen from the arterial blood causes rapid breathing. This leads to suffocation and the whistling in the lungs. In these weather conditions, asthma sufferers are advised to standby in chilled rooms, wearing clothes made of natural, lightweight materials (synthetic prevents the evaporation of sweat which leads to body overheating).Ambrosia
Another bad thing that worsens asthma condition is ambrosia. Pollen of the ambrosia is one of the most common allergens. The greatest amounts of pollen are released during hot, dry and windy days, especially in the morning. Therefore, for people suffering from asthma in this period is not recommended space ventilation. The air is the purest half an hour after the rain, and it is the best time for walking or running.People with seasonal allergies should two to three times a day rinse the nasal cavity and thereby remove the pollen from the nose. Also, treatment of allergic rhinitis helps in preventing development and deterioration of asthma.
The most commonly used drugs for the treatment of allergic rhinitis are antihistamines. Their role is to mitigate and stop sneezing, runny nose itching and watery eyes.
Another type of drugs are plain nose drops which reduce nose congestion and swelling of the nose mucosa, facilitate secretion and discomfort in the sinus area.
Light Food
Asthmatics nutrition should be based mainly on fruits and vegetables, yogurt and fruit yogurt and fish. It is also recommended several smaller meals per day without fat and heavy dessert should be replaced with light ice-cream. It is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.Sea and Mountains
For many people suffering from asthma, change of residence such as going to sea, mountain, air spa or salt cave may be very helpful. In order to better protect themselves from the aggravation of respiratory problems during hot days and ambrosia flowering, asthmatics should regularly monitor the forecast and daily reports about the amount of pollen cells in the air, so they can plan their activities.Physical Activity
In the weather conditions which assume heat and high concentration of pollen it is recommended to do moderate physical activity in air-conditioned spaces and in the evening. The intensity of physical activity should be adjusted to patient's abilities and the current state of health.Regular Showering
Often showering may prevent allergic reaction, because the pollen from the hair, eyebrows, lashes and body can be effectively removed with good rub and water.It is also important to frequently change bedding and to do yoga exercises before going to sleep. They will relax you. Yoga also uses breathing techniques that contribute to increased lung capacity, which is very useful for asthma.
Cup of Green Tea
Japanese scientists have discovered that the powerful antioxidant EGCG from green tea may improve immune response to a series of allergens. So it is desirable to drink cup or two of green tea just for prevention.
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