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Alcoholism is considered to be a treatable disabling addictivedisorder. People addicted to alcohol can’t control its consumption even thoughit is affecting their health, and can seriously damage all their relationships.Although there is no unanimous point of view about what causes alcoholism, there aresome identified risk factors, including: stress, social environment, geneticpredisposition, mental health, but also ethnic group, age and gender. Alcoholicscan suffer from various health problems related to the consummation of alcohol,and one of very important issues is infertility. Both men and women are likelyto experience fertility problems if they use alcohol and especially if they aredependent on it.

Whether it is you or someone you know that has problemswith alcohol, it is very important to get the help as soon as possible, toprevent any damage that may occur.

Women and Alcohol

All women need to be aware of the risk of infertility associatedwith excess intake of alcohol. Both alcoholism and occasional drinks can be thereasons for infertility issues, so moderate drinkers may also have the sameproblem as alcohol dependant women. Use of alcohol while trying to get pregnantmay cause ovulation problems or frequent miscarriages, and women might not have successful pregnancy. Alcohol can also lead to increasedlevels of estrogen and progesterone or cause complications during and afterthe childbirth, for both newborn child and the mother.

Pregnant women using alcohol during that period can exposetheir unborn children to harmful effects of alcohol. Because of that, babiescan experience fetal alcohol syndrome and medical problems that this syndrome carries,such as: slow growth, severe heart problems, behavioral changes or evenretardation of the child. All these problems are known to be associated withthe use of alcohol in pregnancy.

Alcohol and Male Infertility

Men are also prone to experience infertility after theoveruse of alcoholic drinks. For all men who want to have children slowingdown the pace or completely stopping the consummation of alcohol might be agreat idea.

Alcohol is proven to affect the quality of the sperm, andmen consuming large quantities of alcohol can have abnormally shaped spermatozoids. This conditionmay cause impotency and affect men psychologically. Being diagnosed with suchmedical problem, men could experience inadequacy and a lack of worthiness also. Besidesthe decrease in sperm quality, men drinking too much alcohol can expect thedamage of sperm generating cells and changes in hormone levels, all leading to fertilityissues. So, quitting drinking can immensely improve chances for any man tohave a child in the future.

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