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Secondary infertility is when a couple have naturally conceived a child before, but subsequently fail to get pregnant again. If you think that you should have no trouble conceiving another child, because you already have a great track record, you should know that secondary infertility is on the rise, and is responsible for a large part of all cases of infertility. There can be many reasons you are not having any luck in the conception department, and one of them is male secondary infertility. As the term suggests, male secondary infertility refers to cases where male half of a couple is struggling with infertility. How is this determined?

Fertility testing procedures are no different for couples who face secondary infertility. Both partners will go a through physical screening, and for the male partner semen analysis will normally be carried out. These tests will often reveal the cause behind a couple's infertility, so that a course of action can be discussed. Male infertility can be caused by a number of factors including a low sperm count, morphology and motility. A low sperm count means that there are too few sperm in one ejaculation to provide reasonable odds of pregnancy, and motility and morphology refer to the speed and shape of sperm. All of these factors play key roles in male fertility. The goods news is that health has a huge impact on male fertility, and that lifestyle changes can often go a long way when a man wants to boost his fertility.

A healthy and balanced diet, including foods that specifically increase fertility, can greatly improve sperm quality. Quitting smoking, cutting down on alcohol and caffeine, and being physically active all contribute to healthy semen. Reducing stress levels and ensuring the best possible sperm count by having neither too much nor too little intercourse can also be beneficial. Of course, the mere fact that some men succeed in curing their own infertility through lifestyle changes does not mean that all male infertility is the result of less-than-healthy habits, or can be resolved by the patient himself. Sometimes, medical intervention is necessary, even for men experiencing secondary male infertility.

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