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There are various substances that make our body addicted to it. Generally, while young people become addicted to various drugs, the adults develop alcoholism due to constant drinking of alcohol for many years.


The person is suffering from alcoholism when he/she has a strong urge or compulsion to drink alcohol, and when the amount of drinking cannot be kept under control. Once he/she stops consuming alcohol, the alcohol withdrawal symptoms begin to emerge, such as nausea, excessive sweating and anxiety. The person cannot control drinking with the power of will, since he/she has an uncontrollable need for more alcohol. The simplest way to explain the addiction is when we say that an alcoholic has the same need for alcohol as a healthy individual has for water or food. A considerably small percentage of the alcoholics recovers from alcoholism and stays away from it alone and without any professional help.

Alcoholism facts

An alcoholic cannot cure alcoholism by gradually decreasing the amount of it, since it is necessary to stop consuming alcohol completely. An alcoholic may stay sober for a period, but he/she is prone to begin consuming alcohol again the moment some difficult and stressful situation or problem appears. Therefore, professional help is essential if one wants to stay sober for life and completely cure this serious addiction.

In teenagers, excessive consumption of alcohol affects their central nervous system, which can lead to various problems, such as bad judgment, memory problems, blackouts and loss of coordination. The teenagers who consume alcohol in excessive amounts are likely to have unsafe sex or to drive their cars in extreme speeds. When one begins to consume alcohol at 15, he/she has higher chances to become an alcoholic when compared to the one who starts drinking at 20.

Side effects of alcohol

Consuming a small amount of alcohol affects the driver’s ability to drive safely, whereas those people who work on some complicated machines may even get hurt due to their impaired ability which is again caused by consumption of alcohol. When one consumes moderate amount of alcohol, he/she may become aggressive towards the people in their surrounding, while dizziness as a symptom occurs often as well. However, when one consumes alcohol in larger amounts, he/she may experience nausea, dizziness, thirst and tiredness. All these side effects of alcohol last shortly, but there are also those that are long-termed, such as sexual dysfunction, hypertension, nutritional deficiency, permanent damaging of the vital organs and weakened immunity.

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