Nature vs Science
Since the very onset of modernmedicine, it has countered herbal healing, presenting itself asdominant. Thereby, whenever we need a medication, we are capable ofchoosing herbal cures or medical solutions. As the “battle” wageson, we are still left with our choices. We can either get treated bysomething which has been scientifically proven as good, or we cantake what mother nature gives us, hoping for the best, usuallygetting the best.
Positive Sides of Herbal Medications
The first and foremost benefit ofherbal cures is that these are cheap and easily obtainable. You canget them directly from nature, or purchase them withoutprescriptions. On the contrary, medications are the part of medicalindustry and pharmacological empire, they cost a lot of money andrequire a conveniently long treatment with many purchases andinvestments of this type.
Secondly, natural will always benatural. We ourselves come from nature and, for many ages back, ourancestors stayed alive and well by using natural products fortreating illnesses. Therefore, what made us cannot possibly kill us,especially if we are certain of its benefits for our organism.Moreover, herbal medicines are usually stronger and more productivethan the synthetic ones.
There are many other benefits in favorof natural medicine. Nevertheless, there are several drawbacks whichneed to be taken into consideration, too.
Negative Sides of Herbal Medications
Since herbal medicines are takenwithout prescription, one is never sure about the dosage or theeffect and this can be potentially dangerous. Furthermore, herbalmedicines are usually not enough in order to treat some more seriousailments like cardiovascular problems or broken limbs. Thesesituations require constant medical supervision and usage of moreadvanced medications.
Many people are allergic to some herbalmedicines, making things worse once they take them in any form.Treatments are longer when you opt for a natural method. Finally, thevery fact that many governments disapprove of using herbal medicinesand offer no support in case any problems take place, is enough forkeeping many people away from it.
Still, never neglect the power of thiskind of medicine and consider it seriously. The power of nature isstronger than any man-made things. The same goes for healing. Eventhough nature has its flaws and we are still not capable ofcomprehending it to the fullest extent, there are cures for manyillnesses growing all around us.
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