The alternative
This increasinglyfavored “branch” of medicine, familiar as well under the name of Easternmedicine, has been employed for the treatment purposes for centuries now and isstill going strong. At its core is the philosophy and the belief that our bodyholds the power and the ability for self-healing. The preferred treatmentapproaches are holistic in nature and they further add up to the effectivenessof this treatment technique, making use of numerous medical systems, practicesand a variety of natural products. In comparison to the more traditional andconventional medicine of the West, the main difference lies in thefact that the latter employs medications, complemented with technology, despitethe fact that, even though there are many alternative techniques available, thepractice is fairly limited as compared to the more traditional medicine. Butthis does not stop people from turning to it, and the numbers are onlyincreasing once the traditional medicine provides no results.
The prevailing philosophyof alternative medicine is that the emotional and mental factors influence to agreat extent one’s overall health. The body and mind techniques, which alternativemedicine makes use of, can be employed in the treatment of many conditions andillnesses such as panic disorders, anxiety, depression, headaches, pain chronicin nature, coronary artery disease, incontinence, insomnia and the list goes onand on. The techniques in question have also been found extremely helpful inchildbirth and in dealing with such difficult and severe illnesses as cancer,for example.
Techniques andmethods
When it comes to the techniques,those most frequently used and practiced are considered to be meditation,different relaxation techniques, hypnosis, guided imagery and biofeedback.
Bio treatments rely on the use ofvarious kinds of substances that are available in nature, which involvesvarious herbs, vitamins and healthy foods. What is meant by herbs are differentplants and plant extracts, which are employed for the purpose of amelioratingthe manifestations of different conditions and illnesses. Foods include fresh,whole and unprocessed food, which abounds in vitamins, nutrients and alsominerals. And last but not the least, are vitamins in the form of diet supplements.Acupuncture and acupressure representtreatment techniques employed for the alleviation of pain, affecting specificareas of the person’s body. Acupuncture is based on the use of needles, whichare poked in the predetermined areas and are later manipulated for the purposeof achieving the wanted result. Acupressure is based on practically the samefoundations, the only difference being that instead of needles, the practitionermakes use of his/her hands, as well as other body parts, to apply pressure forachieving the same goal as with the acupuncture.Othermost commonly employed alternative treatment techniques are also chiropracticmedicine, various massage therapies and energy therapies.
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