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Methylphenidate is a drug which is sold by the brand-name of Ritalin, referred to as MPH as well. This medication is designed for treating the attention deficit disorder or the postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, as well as narcolepsy, even though it can be used for some other purposes as well.

This medication is a commonly prescribed choice for the treatments of ADHD and POTS since it increases the production of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, removing the symptoms of these conditions and some other, similar health problems.

Methylphenidate for ADHD and POTS

Since MPH is capable of increasing the functions of the central nervous system, it helps people who suffer from the above mentioned conditions manage to maintain proper levels of alertness and attention, making it possible for them to fight off fatigue or any other, unwanted symptoms.

Even though we are yet to find out the long-term effects of MPH, it is a very effective temporary solution for people who experience either ADHD or POTS. However, bear in mind that this drug is not allowed to be given to children younger than 6.

As far as the usage for ADHD is concerned, MPH is approved by the FDA in this respect, especially when combined with the cognitive behavioral therapy. In fact, there are studies which found that children who are treated for ADHD with this drug have up to 85% less chances of abusing drugs once they reach adulthood.

Furthermore, it was also scientifically proven that children under the age of 18 can have their ADHD symptoms adequately treated with Methylphenidate. Yet, these pieces of information are solely to be attributed to short-term forms of treatment and no studies have been carried out involving the usage of MPH and placebo over the course of time longer than 4 weeks.

Keep in mind that the effect of this medication varies with the dose and the dosage itself is different from one child to another, depending on their reactions to the drug. Basically, medical practitioners usually give their best to administer the lowest possible dose necessary for keeping side-effect of MPH at bay, while making sure that the effectiveness is prominent at the same time.

Thus, children are commonly given between 5 and 30mg of Methylphenidate on a daily basis, even though certain cases have involved dosage of up to 60mg a day.

As for POTS, children who suffer from this condition have problems with their heart, experiencing a large increase in their heart rate once they change their body position or posture, moving from one chair to another, spending time in horizontal position or raising their hands above their head. Due to the characteristics of this condition, some patients may not be capable of going to school or to work since they might be exposed to the debilitating symptoms of this condition.

Apart from drinking more water as a common part of the treatment for POTS, patients respond well to medications such as Methylphenidate due to the fact that these increase norephinephrine and dopamine levels, promoting increased blood pressure and vascoconstriction.

Methylphenidate Side-Effects

Some of the most commonly seen side-effects related to this medication are suicidal thoughts, confusion, chest tightness and pain, depression, aggressive or irritable behavior, agitation and restlessness, fainting, seizures, tics or some other forms of uncontrollable movements affecting the face, legs, arms or mouth. Also, allergies can be related to this condition resulting in rashes, itching, hives, breathing difficulties or swelling.

Nevertheless, such occurrences are extremely rare and these side-effect can be related to most medications. In general, people tolerate MPH well and the side-effects that most of them experience can be categorized as minor. Still, it is best to ask your health provider about all these before taking this medication for the first time, knowing what to expect and how to react if you notice any of the above mentionedsymptoms.

Some of the most rarely seen adverse reactions which can be attributed to this medication are changes in liver function and the onset of hepatitis, along with hair loss and anemia. If you experience any serious side-effect of this type, consider yourself highly advised to seek immediate medicalassistance.

Finally, Methylphenidate has been known to lead to escalations in conditions such as mental problems, heart-related complications or seizures. Hence, people who suffer from these, or any other problems of this type should consult with their health experts before taking this medication, informing them about the presence of any of these health problems.

All in all, ADHD and POTS are both conditions which can be treated with a special type of medication called the Methylphenidate. Even though this medication has certain side-effects, these rarely appear and patients usually respond to this medication well.

Yet, if you have any other questions related to the effects and usages of Methylphenidate or similar drugs, consult with your doctor or health practitioner.

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