When a patient receives a dignosis of autism, there is a possibility that this overwhelming realization leaves several questions connected with the disease. Feeling that the diagnosis is incorrect is also very common because most people do not believe that this is happening to them. Autism will surely provoke certain fillings and we will see which in the following text.
Medical problems, upon realization, are usually denied at first, especially if the problem is more serious. Denying the presence of a problem is much easier than accepting it, which could lead to ignoring the situation while the problem gets worse. This is especially associated with children whose parents are in denial. But if it is accepted at the beginning, then the patient and her or his family will feel much better. Ignoring the situation will not make the problem go away, so treatment should be conducted promptly for a better chance of success..
This feeling is possible after the autism diagnosis and the patient may feel strong anger towards God and the world. It is important to discuss about these feelings with someone, because there might be greater consequences if you just keep the anger inside.
Period of grieving is common for parents after their child has received an autism diagnosis. Parents may feel that all the hopes and dreams for their child are lost. Also, you may see yourself as a victim, and your life being extremely hard, when compared to the lives of others. The grief may due to the anticipation of the ill treatment your child will experience due to peer pressure. You need to overcome your grief and accept the diagnosis, because your child's life is not over, although you will have to change the child's long-term goals. Finding help is also a possibility and this may help you to overcome this period. You can go to several treatment sessions, which will surely help.
While some people cannot accept the difference of their child, others find comfort after the autism diagnosis, because now they now what the problem is and what is troubling their child. You will see that it is ok to be different and you will accept the state of your child, which is the stage when your child starts to get the support it needs. You will have to be there for your child always and try to educate yourself about autism as much as you can. Acceptance of the problem is the first step of the treatment.
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