Children are sometimes defiant and show lack of interest and obedience every now and then. This is considered to be normal, especially when it comes to teenagers. However, if your child is being defiant in a specific way, being prone to tantrums, fits and repeating patterns of misbehavior, he/she might be suffering from a behavioral disorder called oppositional defiant disorder. If this is the case, there is a high likelihood that you will not be capable of dealing with your child's problem alone and that you will need professional help.
Ways of Dealing with ODD
The treatment for ODD usually involves therapy, specially designed trainings through which the child's behavior is modified and, in some situations, medications which help the child deal with the symptoms of his/her condition.
Treatment for ODD
This disorder is known to commonly affect a child along with some other form of behavioral problems, like ADHD. Note that, if this is the case, the treatment will need to be longer and more complicated, due to the complexity of the problem itself.
The first step towards a successful treatment is both family and individual therapy. While the formerly mentioned approach helps improving the communication and support between the child and his/her family, the latter teaches the child how to control his/her rage and anger, overcoming ODD.
During the family therapy, the therapist advises and teaches parents while they are talking with their problematic child. This approach is known as parent-child therapy. The parents are wearing ear bugs through which the therapist communicates with them, granting them the necessary knowledge through which they can better their relationship with the child.
Next, the child needs to identify his/her problem and see the mistakes in his/her conduct. This part is called cognitive problem solving training. Parents can be involved in this step as well, working together with their children, finding solutions to the ODD problem.
Finally, both parents and the child learn how to behave properly. Namely, the parents are taught how to approach their child and how to understand the problem he/she is going through, offering nothing but support. On the other hand, the child it taught how to overcome his/her problems, behaving optimally in school, at home and in many different occasions.
Benefits of ODD Therapy
Parents who undergo training for their child's ODD may learn how to use timeouts effectively and avoid power struggles with their loved one. Nevertheless, they will learn how to remain calm and serious whenever they face inadequate behavior as well as how to reward positive conduct. Finally, they will learn how to organize their and their child's time better, getting the most of their communication and preventing misunderstandings which might lead to conflicts.
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