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The brain’s normal functioning can be impaired with thedevelopmental disorder named autism. Communication skills and social interactiondevelopment will be impaired among the persons with the autism spectrumdisorder, or the ASD. This is a wide spectrum disorder and it suggests thatevery case can be different since symptoms can differ from case to case.Children from 1 to 3 years of age are mostly diagnosed with this disorder, whichneeds to be treated by different methods since the cases can be verydifferent. Some of the key factors in doing this will be discussed in thefollowing lines.Autistic persons have a lot of problems and one of them refers to normal life. Thiswill require a lot of hard work and acceptance of their condition, as well as learn howto live their lives with autism. But there are problems as well, and they aremostly seen among those who do not get support from the society. We all canhelp persons with autism by learning about this condition and providing the supportfor these unfortunate children. Autism cannot be cured and this is anotherreason for doing this very important task. We have to think about the autisticpeople as people and not as disabled.


Curse and autism is sometimes the same thing for many people, but there are also some who think this is a joyful state. People can accept this condition and thinkthat this is who they are. Such people want to find their place in the worldand be accepted and not cured. All people have weaknesses and strengths and wehave to find a way to function in the world with them. Most adults with theautism get used to their condition since they live with it their entire life. Autismbegins during infancy and they do not know how to live in a different way.Their processing of the information is impaired but their senses work fine. Thestoring and processing of information is the problem that can cause tantrums,fits and other more detrimental effects of this disorder, according to someexperts. Anxiety and stress are something that autistic people come across every dayand this makes functioning in the world very difficult.


Uncontrollable or heightened senses can be found among persons with autism anddue to this, they cannot decide if they are filled or hungry, cold or hot. Touchis something most autistic people have problems with, while others cannot standloud noises and strong bad smells. Affection towards the persons with autism isusually denied. Great problems can be faced when socialization with otherpeople is concerned. Activities and programs that focus on contacts withother people are advised. They can help them communicate and interact withpeople. Autistic person needs help and this is why people from the surrounding haveto be familiar with autism. The society around the autistic person has to beaccepting and understanding in order for this person to have a better and healthierlife.

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