Aging causes declining of natural production of youth hormones, resulting in phenomena such as unpleasant hot flushes, night sweats and sudden changes in mood. Also it promotes various mechanisms of aging. Women are concerned because synthetic estrogen-progestin hormone therapy leads to frequent occurrence of serious diseases such as breast cancer and a higher risk of heart attack, so many of them are turning to natural solutions.
Some herbal extracts can induce effects like hormones and thus have a beneficial impact on life quality of most women in their late thirties and forties.
Black Cohosh
Black Cohosh is a plant from the North American continent and it has been used for centuries by Indians for regulating the menstrual cycle. Some clinical studies show that Black cohosh has significant estrogen activity (copies the action of safe estrogen - estriol) and reduces the secretion of luteinization hormones, while other studies don’t agree with that. Although it will be necessary to conduct additional studies for the final conclusion about its estrogen action, all studies agree that the extract from this plant eliminates the occurrence of sudden hot flushes and night sweats associated with menopause.Soy
Soy isoflavones (genistein, daidzein) are components known as phytoestrogens. In the controlled study, isoflavones have led to improvement of sudden hot flushes by 45% menopausal women, without negative estrogen-related problems. In addition, soy may help in regulating level of hormone levels in postmenopausal women. It also may be beneficial in preventing osteoporosis as it protects against mineral loss from the bones. Besides that, soy lowers cholesterol.Wild Mexican Yam
Wild Mexican yam contains steroidal sapogenin - diosgenin. This plant is used in the pharmaceutical production of synthetic progesterone. It is added to imitate the natural hormonal balance.Red Clover
Red Clover also contains isoflavones that acts as mild plant estrogens. Although, since ancient times it has been used for skin diseases, modern researches intensify its effects on menopausal symptoms and cardiovascular system diseases. Controlled studies have confirmed the reduction in the appearance of hot flushes. The improvement occurred after four-week use of red clover and was even more pronounced after twelve-week treatment.Chasteberry
Chasteberry does not contain hormones, but effects on the pituitary gland, especially on the production of luteinization hormones, indirectly increasing progesterone production and helps in controlling the menstrual cycle. It also acts on prolactin slightly reducing its level, which may act favorably on infertility and breast tenderness associated with premenstrual syndrome.Damian
Mexicans have been attributed to Damian aphrodisiac properties. The laboratory experiment found the binding of Damian to the progesterone receptors which makes it potentially useful for the treatment of female problems.Ginseng
Angelica is a plant from the family of celery. Traditional Chinese medicine has named this plant female ginseng, and has used it to control irregular or painful periods, internal bleeding and cardiovascular diseases, including blood pressure and problems related to peripheral circulation. Although, there is a belief that angelica has adaptogenic effect on female hormones, it can not be qualified under the phytoestrogens.Licorice and Raspberry
Licorice extract has showed beneficial effects in the treatment of chronic fatigue symptoms.In traditional medicine, Red Raspberry Extract is among other things related to female health and is used to alleviate some complications related to pregnancy.
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