There are two groups of people who are prone to Vicodin addiction.
The first one includes people suffering from an illness or an injury who are (due to unbearable pain) prescribed with the drug. Such people start taking Vicodin according to doctor's orders. They eventually find out that they feel really good and connect the feeling to Vicodin. This feeling is actually responsible for the intake of more Vicodin than has been prescribed and eventual occurrence of the addiction. Fortunately, not all of the mentioned people develop Vicodin dependency.
The second group of people who develop Vicodin dependency includes individuals who have heard that the drug may provide with pleasurable feeling and are ready to explore this effect. This group of addicts generally includes younger people.
What Are Characteristics of Vicodin Addiction?
It may not be easy to recognize a person addicted to Vicodin even though there is a variety of Vicodin addiction signs. Heavy use of the drug is, for example, always associated with fatigue and nodding out. Apart from this extreme behavior there are many more signs that may point to Vicodin addiction.
People addicted to Vicodin most commonly develop an obsession with the medications and the refills. They are also prone to buying the drug illegally. Another sign of Vicodin addiction is stashing or hiding the pills. In order to achieve desirable feeling much faster many Vicodin addicts do not take pills orally but crush them and sniff the obtained powder. It is not unusual for such people to develop an obsession with doctors or even search for other doctors in order to obtain more medications. And finally, once they are left with no drug they develop discomfort and flu-like symptoms and signs. These symptoms and signs are actually an introduction to Vicodin withdrawal.
Vicodin Withdrawal
Vicodin withdrawal symptoms and signs develop soon after the last dose has been taken and is a consequence of sudden cessation of Vicodin intake.
Clinical characteristics of Vicodin withdrawal include sweats and chills, anxiety, gastrointestinal problems such as nausea and cramping and tremor. There are several more flu-like symptoms and signs. Withdrawal period usually does not last longer than 3-5 days. Because getting rid of the addiction can be quite uncomfortable and hard it is better to seek professional help than to detox at home.
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