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A cyst on the face is a lump of different size. It can be very small and only palpated while some facial cysts can significantly enlarge and become very unsightly. Some people develop only one facial cyst while others have to deal with multiple facial cysts. There are many factors that contribute to formation of cysts on the face and these skin changes also occur in many illnesses (predominantly skin disorders).

Causes of a Cyst on the Face

In many people who produce large amounts of sebum there is a chance of oil accumulation inside the sebaceous gland. The accumulation of oil blocks the skin pores and this eventually leads to cyst formation. In case such cysts get inflamed they may spontaneously rupture or even lead to even more serious condition called acne.

One more cause of a cyst on the face is ingrown hair. Human body is covered with hair. The hair can get trapped inside the hair follicle. This leads to an inflammation of the follicle and formation of a puss-filled cyst. The condition generally affects men particularly those with a thick facial hair.

A cyst on the face can also be associated with stress, improper diet, some environmental pollutants and it also affects people who lead sedentary lifestyle more than physically active people and athletes.

It is estimated that facial cysts affect more teenagers than other age groups. In women facial cysts may develop due to some cosmetic products. Certain cosmetic products are able to clog the skin pores, cause accumulation of debris inside the skin and cyst formation.

And finally, in some cases a facial cyst develops due to some conditions. A rare genetic disorder called Gardner's syndrome is only one of them.

How to Get Rid of a Cyst on the Face?

Many facial cysts do not require any treatment at all and withdraw or drain spontaneously. The most common treatments for facial cysts are antibiotics, injections, surgery (incision/excision) and laser.

Inflamed facial cysts are treated with antibiotics. Swelling and increased inflammation of the cyst and nearby skin are treated with injections of corticosteroids. Surgical treatment for facial cysts includes incision and excision. Incision includes making a cut in the cyst. This allows the content of the cyst to drain. Excision of a facial cyst is not a common procedure. It can be only done in case there is no inflammation present. And finally, scarring that commonly occurs with surgical procedures can be avoided if cysts are treated with laser. The doctor makes a final decision on what treatment is the most convenient for each patient.

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