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There are a lot of people all over the world who suffer from an allergic reaction to certain allergens. Most common allergies that people suffer from are caused by dust, pollen and such things. However, some people are allergic to sunscreen. First of all, people need to know that they should never go out in the sun before applying sunscreen first. Even people who are allergic to sunscreen should not do it. People with lighter skin should use those sunscreens with SPF higher than 15. There are various sunscreens and a person should look at the label before buying one. A sunscreen without oil is a good choice. A person should buy the one that gets absorbed immediately. Not a lot of people know that there are two types of sunscreen, physical blockers and chemical absorbers. The first kind deflects UV radiation and reflects it. Chemical absorbers, on the other hand, absorb the UV radiation and merge that energy into the sunscreen molecule structure. This way, the molecule energy state is increased. Even though the best source of vitamin D is the sun, people should avoid being exposed to it for more than quarter of an hour without wearing a sunscreen.

Sunscreen allergy and dermatitis

There are a fair number of people who suffer from contact dermatitis. That is an allergic reaction which occurs when a person is allergic to cosmetic allergens. A person who experiences an allergic reaction because of the combination of sunscreen and exposure to UV rays, he or she is considered to be suffering from photo-contact dermatitis. There are a couple of areas of the body that are especially prone to this kind of dermatitis like the lower neck, forearms, upper chest and the back of the hands. A person may notice the allergic reaction immediately after applying sunscreen or even a couple of days after using it constantly. There are a couple of signs that will help a person realize he or she is allergic to sunscreen like swelling, itching, reddened skin and blisters.

Women are more prone to these allergic reactions because of increase of cosmetic containing screening. People who work outside and those with atopic dermatitis are also more likely to suffer an allergic reaction. Parents should use only natural sunscreens on the skin of the babies.

Chemicals to watch out for

People who are aware of their allergy to sunscreen should read the label when they purchase sunscreen. There are certain chemicals they should avoid. For instance, para-aminobenzoic acid, benzophenones, uvinal M40, diphenylketone, oxybenzone, methanone, homosalate, cinnamic acid, cinnamon oils, cinnamates and many others.

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