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It is very important to keep the weight within the normal range.That is one of the elements that create a healthy organism. Why and how can the size ofyour waist save your life? This is something people who start gaining weightdo not think much about until the accumulated extra weight is too much forhandling. In those moments, obese person have to decide how to eliminate the extrapounds quickly and naturally.


Increased weight can induce several medical problems, ofwhich heart issues and diabetes are the most problematic. Heart issues canresult in a stroke, a life threatening situation that should be avoided aslong as possible. Diabetes is presented with problems regarding the glucoselevels in the bloodstream and the inability of cells to absorb that glucose. Thereare also other problems caused by obesity and those are lack of energy, decreasedlibido, weakened immune system, loss of self-confidence etc. Obviously, obesitywill change a person’s life and that is why it should not be allowed for thoseexcessive pounds to pile up in the body.


Some experts say that measuring waist might be more accuratefor determining the obesity level than levels of BMI. Waist is measured just belowthe belly button and it differs for men and women. Men should be worried if thewaist is higher than 40 inches, while this number is set at 35 for women. Fromthis point on, people should be very careful when it comes to the weight of thebody. So, what can be done for reducing those waist numbers?

Exercises and diets

First thing to know is that nothing should be strict and rigorous!This is a mistake that many people make, thinking that losing weight is something veryhard and difficult so they quit without even trying. When it comes to exercises,an activity of about 45 minutes daily is more than enough for burning all thecalories taken through food and even some more. This activity can be a walk, slowjogging, some light home workout, even some house chores can be used for fatburning. Of course, if a person feels that this is not enough, additionalmeasures should be taken, such as some exercising plan, which should be made in order to affectthe fat and muscles more.

As for dieting, people should be focusing on healthy meals with a lot of fruits, vegetables and a lot of water, while junk food should betaken minimally, if at all. Also, there should be more meals with relativelysmall amounts of food. This also affects the waist, because less food is processedquickly and that reduces the diameter of intestines and also the diameter ofthe entire belly, which is the desired goal.

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