Heart and Blood Pressure
Naturally, there is a logicalconnection with our heart and our blood pressure. In fact, bloodpressure is nothing but the force with which our blood passes throughour blood vessels. This force depends on the strength of our heartpumping the blood initially and many other factors in our organism.If our arteries get constricted or thickened for any reason, lessblood will pass through them and, therefore, the pressure willincrease, damaging the inside of our blood vessels further, due tothe pressure itself. As a domino effect, our heart will have to tryharder in order to deliver enough blood for our entire body, sincewithout sufficient blood and oxygen, our body organs are likely todeteriorate. Since our heart is a muscle, additional effort makes itbigger. This heart enlargement, therefore is a clear sign of bloodpressure problems or some other cardiovascular complications.Therefore, everything is connected in our organism and increasedblood pressure can trigger many unwanted side-effects, jeopardizingour health.
Effects of High Blood Pressure on OurBody
First of all, our arteries get damagedby high blood pressure. This makes the inside of arteries thick andconstricted, making fat and other things which pass through stick toit and increase the constriction. Since high blood pressurecontinually damages these arteries, they eventually develop ananeurism, which causes internal bleeding and numerous other problems,some more serious than the others.
As it was mentioned above, high bloodpressure affects the heart negatively as well. Therefore, its musclesget weaker and weaker, decreasing the performance of this vitalorgan. A heart attack or a cardiac arrest may take place due to ahistory of high blood pressure, possibly resulting in death.Arrhythmia may affect one's heart as well.
Since blood is necessary for oxygen andnutrient delivery, its decrease, caused by high blood pressure,results in health problems with many different organs, including ourbrain. Namely, once our brain cells have no vital nutrients andoxygen, they die, causing a stroke. Similarly, we can developdementia due to high blood pressure too.
This blood depravity can cause ourkidneys to get damaged and, eventually, lose their functionalitycompletely, since they need fresh supplies of blood in order for themto function properly. Lack of blood delivered through the tinyarteries located in the kidneys can lead to malfunctioning of thekidneys and an eventual necessity of kidney transplantation.
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