As good and promising as it may sound, artificial insemination is a procedure that is not recommended for everyone. For example, if you pregnancy is contraindicated, or if woman has blocked or even damaged fallopian tubes, or serious pelvic adhesions, or in cases of very abnormal sperm in males, artificial insemination is not a solution. Sometimes, especially if cause of fertility problems is woman s age, AI is combined with other infertility treatments of reproductive technology, where woman s egg is removed and joined with sperm in a tube. This procedure is called in vitro fertilization. Artificial insemination treatment starts with detailed medical exams: woman undergoes x-rays examinations of fallopian tubes and uterine cavity and man s testing include examination of sperm quality, motility and number of healthy swimmers. In some cases, doctor might suggest a woman to take medications in order to increase egg production of course these medications are taken after consultation with a doctor about possible side effects.
There are several factors that influence the success rate of artificial insemination, such as woman s age and most of all ovarian health. Healthier categories of course have more chances to conceive a baby: their pregnancy rate is approximately 25% per cycle, while women from category that indicates at the start that the conception will be problematic have a bit lower success rate: approximately 5% per cycle. It is essential to bring out that every woman is an isolated case and statistics cannot be applied generally. Every woman (and man) needs to consult with a doctor what are hers (his) best chances of healthy conception and pregnancy.
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