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When you first start on your journey of trying to get pregnant, you'll be told that most couples take around six months to conceive. You will also read that trying for a baby can take a year, and that this is completely normal. So, if you have hit that one-year mark, and conception is not happening for you yet, you are probably starting to think about fertility testing. What are the tests that you should request from your doctor if that positive pregnancy test has not turned up?

Here are ten tests that can give you insights into your fertility status quickly.

1) An ultrasound. This simple and non-invasive tool can reveal any cysts you might have, which could be preventing conception.

2) A seven days post ovulation progesterone test, commonly referred to as 7dpo progesterone test, aims to verify you are ovulating, and checks your progesterone levels are in order. Ideally, your progesterone levels should be at more than 10. Supplements and creams can help if your levels are lower.

3) A hysteroscopy probes into your uterus to see whether there are any polyps that could be interfering with the implantation of a fertilized egg.

4) A slightly more invasive test is the laparoscopy. This is essentially keyhole surgery that can probe into the relevant areas of your reproductive system through a small incision in your abdominal wall. A laparoscopy is sometimes recommended to determine if you have endometriosis or adhesions, when an ultrasound gave inconclusive results.

5) A semen analysis in the male partner. Sperm analyses tests sperm count, motility and morphology as well as a number of other factors. In other words, you will find out the number of sperm, how fast they swim and if they are able to penetrate into an egg.

6) The CD3 thyroid level test acertains your thyroid level. For women trying to conceive, this should be at 2.5 or below. For those with a low thyroid level, simple medical solutions are available.

7) Another test with a complicated name, CD3 FSH level indicates ovarian reserves as well as egg quality.

8 ) The killer cells test is sometimes done to find out whether your body is rejecting any embryos that you produce, through the immune system.

9) Chromosome testing, as the name suggests, tests for chromosomal abnormalities in either partner that might cause embryos to be non viable.

10) The CD3 progesterone level test is another test to check progesterone levels, this time right after your menstruation has commenced. If you have a cyst, it could cause your progesterone levels to remain at an elevated level.

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