About pregnancy
If you suspect that you are pregnant, there are signs that can confirm your suspicion. The level of female hormone, progesterone is enhanced during pregnancy and that causes some changes in the body. When there is a conception, the egg will be set in the womb in seven days and when this happens many women can feel some signs of pregnancy. Estrogen and progesterone will help your body to prepare for the future event so that your breasts will enlarge due to activation of the milk glands. If you want to conceive, you should avoid cigarettes, alcohol, coffee and other substances that can harm you. You should also talk to your doctor about the safety of using any kind of medicine during pregnancy.
Symptoms that indicate pregnancy
Main symptoms of pregnancy are light spotting, frequent urination, increased body temperature, missing a period, tiredness, sickness and sensitive nipples and breasts. When it comes to light spotting, it means that, if you are pregnant, instead of normal menstrual bleeding, you will have week bleeding that is different than the usual. The blood will have different color and there will be less blood than during a normal period. Even in the early stage of pregnancy, the urge for urination will occur more frequently and that is why it is another symptom of pregnancy. Specific hormones are responsible for this, particularly hCG hormone. During the ovulation, temperature of the body may be higher than usual, but if this continues after the ovulation, it may be a sign that you are pregnant.
The most usual and very reliable sign is when you miss a period, especially if your periods are always appearing on a regular basis. You should also know that this sign may be caused by something else, such as health condition, distress or hormonal imbalance. Tiredness is usually occurring at the beginning of the pregnancy due to hormonal changes, but later on, when your body adapts to these changes, tiredness will go away. Sickness, usually in the morning, is a well-known symptom of conception. However, it is not that common as you might think, it affects about 50% of all pregnant women. Tenderness in the breasts and nipples will also disappear when the body adjusts to hormonal changes.
If you experience any of these signs, you should do a pregnancy test. These tests are 90 to 97% reliable and that depends on the day when you use them. If you use pregnancy test on the first day of your missing period, it will be less reliable than if you use it on the fifth day.
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