Depression is a condition that is in an increasing rate in the recent years.Since the demands of our everyday life are becoming higher and higher, manypeople who cannot cope with all the problems that life presents in front ofthem tend to give up and alienate from others, thus falling into depression.
Atypical depression is only one type of this devastating condition, which canmanifests itself though many different types. The people who gradually developatypical depression have a specific pattern of symptoms. It is important thatat least five symptoms of depression occur at the same time in order that thecondition can be diagnosed. The most typical symptoms or warning signs ofatypical depression are the gain of body weight, excessive hunger, heaviness ofthe extremities, sleeping for a long period of time and inability to keep a relationship. Women are more prone to suffer from atypical depression, which usually occursfor the first time in their teenage years.
Symptoms of atypical depression
Any type of depression usually causes sadness, a feeling of emptiness andloss of interest in the everyday activities. In addition to these symptoms, atypical depression, which is quite common kind of depression, by the way, may also exhibit several other warning signs. Someof them are already mentioned previously in this text. Apart from thosesymptoms, increased appetite, fear of any kind of rejection and criticism and short fits of good mood that rapidly subside and turn into depression are also the signs.
Depression is a condition that requires medical treatment and medicalattention since it can aggravate if it is ignored. One of the major consequencesof depression is a suicidal thought. Many people are ashamed of going to a philologistor psychiatrist but they should talk about their thoughts and problems with theirfriends or with a person they trust.
Causes of atypical depression
The exact culprit for the occurrence of atypical depression is still not found, but it is believed that several factors contribute to the incidence of thistype of depression. The people show the symptoms of the atypical depression when the neurotransmittersare imbalanced. Furthermore, those people who already have someone in the familywith this condition are more susceptible to develop it as well. The stressful life events and situations like the death of a loved oneusually cause atypical depression. This depression may also be a result of someearly childhood trauma.
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