Depression is one of the few conditions today thattarget a large number of people. It can be described as a group ofsigns and conditions that include overall sad feeling, feeling of emptiness anddisappointment, lack of energy, lost of interest, headaches etc.
Depression can be characterized as a multifactorialcondition, since there are so many possible causes. For example, people thatalready suffer from some sort of physical condition can subdue to depressioneasily. This usually happens with conditions like AIDS, diabetes, serious heartproblems, tumors, etc. Depression in those cases just shows how hard it is forsome people to accept their medical condition and learn to live with it. Also,depression goes hand in hand with some mental problems (all sorts of disorders,anxieties etc) and in those situations it is important to determine if depressionis just a result of an already existing condition, or depression is the actualcause of that condition. Defining those details is very important fordetermining the right course of action when it comes to therapy. Sadly,depression can run in family and cause problems for several generations. Also,depression might affect people after they have experienced some serioussituations in life, those that put a lot of emotional and psychological strainon a person (death of a loved one, being involved in a crime situation etc.).Depression can also be caused by stress and some say that this might be the majorfactor in depression etiology. If that is the case, reducing stress might beone of the best depression prevention methods, and not only that, preventingstress and depression are good for physical health, too.
Support systems during depression are numerous, but their exact execution depends on the level of depression and the symptoms. The besttreatment would be the one that focuses on the cause of depression. Ifthere is some underlying condition, it should be treated and, when thatparticular condition is eliminated, depression should be gone, too.Unfortunately, if we are talking about something chronic and incurable, the therapycan only deal with the symptoms, while it would be very hard to eliminate depression completely.The help of the medications is enormous, but there are also therapeutic session that also might help, especially if there is some other mental condition involved.A person that suffers from depression should have as much support as possible from family and friends. Depression to some people might seem like some lightproblem, which can be solved easily, but it is not the case. A lot of detaileddiagnostic is needed in order to determine a proper therapy.
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