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Facts on the go

To the greatest majority of people the fact that our feet have as much as 4.000 pores and perhaps more, will certainly come as a novelty and a surprise. They play an essential role in cleansing and detoxification of our skin, and are the outlet that is employed by the Ion Detox Spa, i.e. the ionic Foot Bath for the same purposes as already stated and pointed out to at the beginning of the paragraph.

Important to know is that in the course of each and every session, which last approximately 30 minutes in general, the water is going to change all different kinds of colors. There is a growing number of people who favor the claim that this color turning and color changing, as well as the debris that is encountered, are actually byproducts of our bodies, i.e. present something that our body has 'marked' as potentially harmful and thus expelled it outside. Of course, this is one of the misconceptions accompanying this device, which is also why a great number of experts have actually deemed this product to be a fad and a hoax.

The initiator of the entire undertaking is a person known under the name of Royal Rife. Despite the fact that he never had an opportunity to see any of today's modern elcetro-therapy devices, he was the first individual to have used frequencies in the battle against viruses, cancer and similar ailments that have befallen people worldwide for quite some time now.

The use principles and guidelines

Once a person begins using the device in question, important to known is that an array goes into the water. What a person needs to do is place his/her both feet along the array, which will turn the ionic detox unit on. The array itself is important because it is responsible for the creation of both the positive and the negative ions out of vibration that occurs under the influence of the designated frequency. And it is exactly this electrolytic action that induces the water to alter colors.

Also quite important are the steps that need to be followed. Namely, at the onset of a session a person needs to add salt to water in order to create optimum conductivity. The water to be employed is regular tap water. In the course of the electrolysis, certain particles get to be combined, whereas others get separated. The array itself, just like water, is known to leave certain amount of debris behind and in the water during electrolysis. In addition to the aforementioned, the person's feet are also known to be the possible inducers of color change.

When it comes to those most prominent reason for acquiring one such device, those most prominent include liver detoxification, increase of energy, improvement of circulation, reduction of stress and pain relief.

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