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Male boobs is a colloquial and somewhat derogatory term used to describe a medical condition otherwise known as gynecomastia. Needless to say, this condition causes significant frustration and embarrassment for the men suffering from it. It affects a large portion of male population, more than it looks like, since men who have it try to disguise it any way possible.

Male boobs can happen for several different reasons. Here are the most common ones.

Causes of male boobs

Very often, the cause of male boobs lies in developmental issues. This problem often becomes noticeable in adolescence, although it can be seen in young children as well. However, when a young boy has some form of man boobs, it is likely that the problem is just a passing stage and it will change back to normal by the time he gets older.

As for the adults, being overweight is a common factor that causes male boobs. If a person is obese, he will have fat all over the body or concentrating on just certain parts of the body. Unfortunately, the chest is often the area that carries a lot of fat, which leads to man boobs. A person who is out of shape and on a poor diet is likely to develop man boobs, not because of the fat but also because the breast tissue grows abnormally.

Hormonal imbalance is the reason why some people have gynecomastia, even though they are not obese. The main cause for it is the overproduction of the female sex hormone called estrogen. When a man has too much estrogen, he will start developing female sexual characteristics, namely the female-like breasts.

Overproduction of estrogen occurs for several reasons but most often the reason is substance abuse or side effects of certain medications. Steroids, especially if they are not used properly or if they are used for wrong reasons, can cause abnormalities in hormone levels.

How to lose chest fat for men

In case male boobs are simply the result of being obese, the problem can be solved by losing the extra weight and doing the workouts that focus on that particular area. Diet, exercise, diet pills, surgery, these are the ways one can get rid of the chest fat, also known as man boobs.

Surgery is a quick an effective solution, the only downside is that it costs from, $3.000 to $5.000. However, surprisingly a lot of health insurance plans actually cover this type of surgery.

Those who do not want surgery or cannot afford it can try the traditional way of losing fat, through restrictive diets and a specialized workout plan.

As for the exercise to lose chest fat and man boobs and to build nice looking, masculine chest muscles, the best ones are push-ups, dumbbell and barbell press.

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