What kind of medication is Wellbutrin and when is it used?
Since Wellbutrin belongs to the group of the medicationscalled norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI), it is clear that itis used for the treatment of depression and other mental disorders. It has tobe prescribed by the professional, which means that it cannot be obtainedwithout a prescription. Just like all the medications from this group, itsmechanism of action is based on affecting particular brain chemicals, norepinephrineand dopamine to be more precise, which are in charge of sending messages fromone nerve cell to some other. When the levels of these chemicals are unbalanced,a number of conditions may affect the person in question, and depression isjust one of them.
Are there any side effects and how can they be avoided?
Just as it is the case with the majority of antidepressants,Wellbutrin may also cause a number of side effects. This is why it is importantto take all the possible steps in order to prevent them, although the fact isthat their occurrence can rarely be predicted with precision. Some of thesesteps also include taking the medication exactly as prescribed and exactly whenprescribed, because it is important to take it always at the same time of theday in order for the level in the blood to be balanced and even. It is alsoimportant to inform the doctor if the patient already suffers from somedisorder or health problem, as well as if they are taking some othermedication, because the combination of Wellbutrin and other antidepressants,beta-blockers, antipsychotics, steroids, and a number of other medications, aswell as its combination with alcohol may easily lead to interaction. In somecases, it is only necessary to find the right dosage in order to combine thismedication with some other without any consequences, while in other cases, the consequencesof particular combinations can even be fatal.
As for the most common side effects, some of the mostfrequently reported have been agitation, loss of weight, headaches, gastrointestinalproblems, dizziness, problems with vision, insomnia, and tachycardia. Due tothe unwanted effects of this medication, it is also possible to experience irregularheart rhythm, hypertension, arthritis, decreased sex drive, low blood pressureand fainting. No matter how insignificant any change after starting to take thismedication may seem, it is very important to recognize it in time and to informthe doctor about it.
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