What is peripheral vascular disease?
Peripheral vascular disease is also known as peripheralarterial disease, and in cases of people who suffer from it, the narrowedarteries prevent the blood to flow to the limbs normally, which results in anumber of circulatory problems. Legs are mostly affected, because they do not receiveenough blood, and that is why pain in that area is one of the most commonsymptoms, particularly when walking. The reasons for this narrowing of thearteries may be various, but most frequently they are narrowed due to theaccumulation of fatty deposits. Besides this one, the inflammation of thevessel, exposure to radiation, or an injury to the limbs may also result inperipheral artery disease.
There are people who are at higher risk of developing PAD, whichis why they should pay special attention to their health. Among them are thosewho suffer from diabetes, obesity, hypertension, as well as those who are over50 years old, who smoke, or have higher cholesterol.
Can it be treated and how?
When it comes to the available treatment options, theymostly depend on the cause, but it is a fact that the greatest majority of thecases requires that the people in question quit smoking and change their lifestyleand eating habits, which means that they have to turn to the healthy eating andfoods low in fats and carbohydrates. In most of the cases, this will be enoughto keep the symptoms under control, and to prevent the worsening of thecondition, thus reducing the risk of stroke or heart attack, which are the mostserious possible complications. However, if this does not prove to be helpfulenough, then the person will have to receive medical treatment, which impliesthe use of the medications that will lower the blood pressure, the level ofcholesterol, that will keep the pain under control, and prevent the clotting ofthe blood.
The most serious cases may require a surgery, and eventhough it is an invasive method of treatment, it is very helpful. Two surgery proceduresare helpful when it comes to the treatment of peripheral artery disease, andthey are angioplasty and bypass surgery. One more option is a procedure calledthrombolytic therapy, and it is suggested to patients who have a blood clot thatblocks the artery. They will simply be administered clot dissolving medication inthe artery in question, and the clot will be broken up.
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