Our hearts go out to Lennard's husband Robert and their five children. Gemma Lennard was in her 24th week of pregnancy, and was expecting her sixth baby, when she suddenly started bleeding. She asked her husband to call an ambulance, but when a misunderstanding with the emergency services dispatcher caused a delay in the arrival of help, Robert Lennard decided to drive his wife to the hospital himself. When they got there, an ultrasound revealed that the baby girl, whom the couple named Ariana, had already passed away. Labor was then induced, and Lennard gave birth to her still born baby. Back pains were so terrible for this mother that she was prescribed two different medications to help her cope.
The coroner, John Pollard, concluded that she took an accidental overdose of pain killers after looking at the amounts of drugs in her system. He said: "She had a lot of pain from her back over a long time. She had been prescribed [another medication] and had the other tablets on top of this. And there was the sad fact that the baby she had been carrying died inside her and she had pain from that. She took these drugs herself not intending to cause her death but relieve the pain." What a sad story, indeed! For more pregnancy-related news, check stress increases IVF success chances and Pennsylvania women hides murdered newborns in closet.
- www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/child/injury/world_report/Poisoning.pdf
- www.nhs.uk/conditions/pre-eclampsia/complications/
- Photo courtesy of Fru00e9du00e9rique Voisin-Demery by Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/vialbost/8575229218/
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