Artificial Insemination
The following text will be focused on the artificial insemination and the costs of this procedure. The AI, or artificial insemination, is intended for those who are unable to have the child of their own in the usual way, or through the sexual intercourse. This procedure is based on the insertion of the sperm from a male into the genital tract of a woman in an artificial way and this is done with several techniques. The time of ovulation is when this procedure is done because this increases the chances of success. The semen is inserted with the help of a plastic tube in the vagina's or uterus's top area. The intrauterine and intra-cervical insemination is the two types of the AI. The intrauterine insemination, or the IUI, inserts the sperm in the proximity to the fallopian tubes. This process in more successful than the other one, it involves no pain, and it is very fast to perform. Uterine cramps, pain and in some cases failing, can be a result of unwashed sperm, which is done during this kind of procedure. Incubation of the sperm follows the washing and then it is inserted in the uterus. The second type, which is the intra-cervical, or ICI, insemination, is the easiest and simplest of the two types. During this procedure, semen is inserted in the vagina's top area, and the sperm is kept in the cervix with the plastic cap which is commonly used.
The main procedure, consultations, tests, fertility treatments and other fees have to be met, so this procedure is very expensive. The hospital stay, type of procedure (ICI is more expensive than the other type), drug therapy, diagnosis and investigation are some of the factors that determine the costs of the procedure. Fertility clinic and the patient's medical condition will also influence the costs. The cost may be increased due to the use of fertility drugs, which are used if male has a low sperm count or a woman is allergic to the sperm. The stimulation of the ovulation can be produced, and the ovulation can be detected with the ovulation kit. Fallopian tubes can be blocked and there are test that can detect this. If we add all the mentioned and doctor's visits, medications, sperm washing, ultrasound and other fees, we can get the idea of the cost of this procedure. You will pay from 300 to 500$ for the insemination, and from 10 to 30$ per doctor' visit, depending on the insurance. Know that you will require several insemination attempts and each session will increase the chances of pregnancy from 10 to 15%. Infertility, sexual health, age and other factors determine the chances of successful insemination, which usually goes from 5 to 30%. Expertise of a doctor is also a great factor in the success of the procedure, so do not opt for the cheapest you can find.
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