A first plane journey with a young infant can be daunting and stressful. Actually, riding a car with a small baby can be a challenge so a long plane trip can seem like a pretty difficult thing to do. Fortunately, flying with infants doesn't have to be a big deal if you prepare well, and are in the right mindset. Here are some tips for flying with infants to make it easier for you. The first thing you need to take into account when flying with a small baby is that there are bound to be all kinds of messes whether you're still at the airport or somewhere over the Atlantic, your baby might spit up, have a poo explosion, get drinks on her clothes, and on your clothes too. Take plenty of diapers (more than you think you will need) and a couple of extra outfits for both of you in your cabin luggage. Are you going to be using an infant car seat when you reach your destination? You will be able to take it on board too, so your baby has a comfortable place to sleep. This will normally require you book a separate seat for your baby. Some airlines offer bassinets for babies, so look into that in advance as well. My babies have never cried on long trips. Breastfeeding moms have the advantage of being able to soothe babies at the breast. If you are bottle feeding, a pacifier may do the trick. If you are worried about screaming babies and annoying other passengers, book a flight during a time when there are not many people flying, like in the middle of the week. If you are unsure what the most quiet time is, call your airline for information. I have found baby carriers (see baby carrier shopping tips) like the Ergo baby carrier or Baby Bjorn to be really useful for getting babies around airports easily. You may have to take the carrier off while you go through security, so a buckle carrier works better than a wrap, for instance. Lugging a car seat around is annoying, but a travel system where you can click the car seat into a stroller is nice.
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