Information on Heartburn
Heartburn can be described as a painful, burning sensation which commonly occurs in the thorax or the throat and is more often than not accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth. Heartburn may be an indication on gastro esophageal reflux disease which may involve symptoms such as a chronically hoarse voice, weight loss, bouts of asthma and swallowing difficulties. The condition may worsen significantly if neglected and left untreated. The severe form of the condition is sometimes referred to as the Barrett’s esophagus and it may be really dangerous as it may be affiliated with the occurrence of esophagus cancer. A healthy human body contains a muscle which resembles a ring, whose main purpose is to allow the drinks and foods to pass into the stomach. Once it performs it primary function, the muscle contracts in order to shut off any reverse flow of the stomach contents. The muscle can get weaker due to numerous different factors, so the stomach juices get into the esophageal cavity which causes heartburn and certain internal damage. The muscle is medically referred to as the lower esophageal sphincter, and it is actually the valve that prevents that shuts the esophagus off from the stomach. Different factors which may cause this condition may be indirect or direct and they may also be interconnected. Some factors are responsible for the initiation of the problem, while certain others only aggravate the existing situation.
The most common factor is excessive production of gastric acid which is usually caused by certain types of genetic deficiency. This causes the acid to flow back into the esophagus and irritate or damage its inner walls. Candida may also sometime overgrow inside the human body, which often leads to a weakened immune system and the development of more than 70 different types of harmful toxins. These toxins cause numerous medical conditions and the gastro esophageal reflux disease is only one of them. For those who do not know, Candida is a fungal microbe which commonly can be found in the human body and it is completely harmless if present in controlled quantities.
Food Items
Certain food items may also be associated with the Candida overgrowth. Those include white flour, sugar and different types of vinegar. But the organic apple cider vinegar is a completely different thing, as it may be of great help when it comes to alleviating the symptoms of this unpleasant medical condition.
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