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Ovarian cysts are usually not a reason for concern, but in a number of cases, their presence can be the main culprit for infertility, pain, excessive bleeding and other problems. Since they are benign and harmless in the greatest majority of cases, their treatment is not necessary unless they grow in size so much to affect the functioning of some other organs. In such cases, they need to be removed during a surgical procedure. However, what many women might not know is that there are some other ways of fighting ovarian cysts. These ways are more natural and definitely less invasive than a surgery. They are based on the use of home remedies and herbs that are known and proven to be helpful in the treatment of ovarian cysts. Still, it is necessary that the woman gathers all the possible information about her condition and the possible solutions, because being well educated is what will definitely help the most in such cases. One more thing that everyone who sets on this kind of journey needs to know is that the problem will not disappear over one night.

Herbal remedies for ovarian cysts

Some of the herbs that are known to help in getting rid of abnormal uterine growths, including ovarian cysts are chasteberry, red clover and black cohosh. Chasteberry has the power to restore the balance of the hormones, as well as red clover. Black cohosh is also known for this potential, but it is know to regulate the menstruation as well.Herbs that help in cleansing the liver and the body from toxins are also helpful with this problem, and they include dandelion, milk thistle, as well as pollen that the bees make. What a famous Australian herbalist suggests additionally includes walnuts, red chestnut and wild oats.Castor oil is a popular natural remedy for ovarian cysts, as well as for liver problems and problems of the digestive system. All it takes is to warm the oil and apply it on the abdomen right above the ovaries.Besides herbal remedies, what a person needs to do refers to certain changes in the diet, because carbohydrates and white flour and sugar particularly are the fuel for the ovarian cysts. This means that food that contains them should be limited or even eliminated until the cysts disappear or diminish in size. A diet based on fruits and vegetables is much more recommended and whole grains, garlic and legumes are especially suggested.

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