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This particular variety of powder is made from talk, as its name indicates it, which is a mineral comprised of silicon, oxygen and magnesium. Just like powders in general, it is a fairly good absorber and also quite effective in decreasing friction, which is helpful when it comes to keeping the skin dry and rash-free. Out of this reason, it is mostly employed in such products as baby powders, as well as body and facial powders for those of age. Found in its all natural form, it can contain asbestos, the one substance that can have a potentially harmful effect, in the sense that there are indications that it is responsible for the occurrence of cancer around and in the person’s lungs.

Unfavorable link

When it comes to direct relation between the talc powder and probably the most dreaded illness of today, there are two special areas of concern. Namely, those people who are exposed to natural talk due to the nature of their work might be at a far greater risk of developing cancer, and this same increased risk is present in women who use talc powder for longer periods of time, in the genital areaespecially.

Cancerous or not?

In this regard, there is one extremely important distinction that must be made, i.e. it is crucial to differentiate between those varieties of talc that are comprised of asbestos and those that are completely free of asbestos. And it is this former one that is regarded as the potentially cancerous, and therefore, avoided completely when it comes to present day cosmetic products. The effects of the latter, on the other hand, remain to be fully examined and its safety to be confirmed.

Laboratory studies – conducted on animals who were exposed to the latter type of asbestos have shown numerous discrepancies in the sense that, in some animals, there were occurrences of tumors, while in others that was not the case.Human related studies – there are indications that, due to the exposure of ovaries to talc powder - when particles are transported by way of vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes all the way to the ovary, ovarian cancer may occur. Some of the more recent research studies have revealed that there might be a slight increase in the risk, while others have not reported any such indications. Therefore, further and more in-depth research is required. On the other hand, when it comes to lung cancer and people working in environments where there is a significant talc-exposure, research studies have also been inconsistent. That is to say, certain did point out to the greater risk in development of lung cancer and cancer in other respiratory organs, whereas others came to the completely opposite conclusion. One of the reasons for the disagreement could be the fact that, for example, miners who work underground are most likely exposed to other harmful substances, which makes putting forth any conclusive evidence much harder.

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