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Mineral to watch outfrom

The mineral inquestion represents one of those that occur naturally. In addition, it belongsto the group of chrysotile and also amphiboles. The latter are best known fortheir straight, needle-like fibers. These are as well regarded as a moreharmful variety of the two when it comes to that exposure, which is marked asshort-term. The former are comprised of actinolite, anthophyllite, amosite,crocidolite and last but not the least, tremolite. Having this in mind, it shouldbe emphasized that no matter what the duration of exposure is, one should be onconstant watch and in protection-mode if he/she wants to avoid any health related complications.

Short term exposurerevealed

In the greatest majority of cases, the type ofshort-term contact with the mineral in question takes place when the person in question comes into contact outside the workingenvironment. One example would be a person who is doing refurbishing of his/herflat or a house. In the course of this process, people also often do come incontact and do get exposed to fibers and their undesirable effects. In suchcases, the exposure is facilitated in the course of such refurbishing activitiesas insulation, roofing and placing of tiles. So, the shorter the entire process is,lesser the exposure and thus minor the overall health threat.

Short-longdistinction and discrepancies

When confrontingshort and long-term exposure to asbestos, noticed almost immediately is thedifference not only of the temporal kind, but more importantly, of the effectsone or the other has on the person’s health in general. Having short-termcontact in mind, in must be emphasized that the risk of coming down with aspecific illness does exist but is not that concerning since it is not thatpresent. However, the ill effects can be equally confronted in case theshort-term exposure presupposes coming in contact with fairly hazardousquantities of the fibers, or long-term exposure is characterized by exposure tolesser amounts of fibers.


Due to its overallnature, the short-term exposure is not classified as something that is lifethreatening, thus being fairly often disregarded and excluded from those seriousillnesses and conditions. Regarded as perhaps the only thing that shouldintensify your concern in the case of short-term contact is when this is characterized by much greater quantities of asbestos fibers than allowed and considered safe.If this be the case, then the person in question should immediately visithis/her doctor and consult him/her on the steps that ought to be taken, so anyserious complications could be avoided in due time.

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