Chronic vulvar pain is connected with the condition called vulvodynia. Unfortunately, the cause of this condition has not been discovered yet, though the attempts to discover it are performed every day. There are several types of vulvodynia, and the affected areas may include the clitoris, vaginal opening, and labia. This condition, which affects only women, can be divided into two groups. Pain at the entrance of the vagina, called vestibule, is associated with vulvar vestibulitis syndrome, while another type is generalized vulvodynia that can produce pain in diverse areas and of diverse intensity. We have mentioned that a cause for this condition has not been revealed yet, but problems like muscle spasm, allergies, changes in the level of hormones, irritation or injury of the nerve, genetics, sexual abuse, yeast infection, hypersensitivity and extreme use of antibiotics are suspected to be some of the culprits. Any female older than 10 can be affected by this condition, and it can be very discomforting, or even create some serious emotional problems, because it affects sex life, work and exercises. Women with this condition have stated that it prevent them from resuming their lifestyle. Symptoms that are usually felt are soreness, burning, throbbing, itching, stinging and rawness, but these do not have to be evident in all cases. Symptoms tend to vary in this condition. Problems can be felt sometimes or always, while resting or while doing some activity, and on whole vulva or just on a part of it.
ComplicationsPhysical consequences of this condition are not that great as the emotional ones are, because the problems can be so great to affect the sex life, maybe even turn down a partner, thus leading to depression. Cure is not available, but there are some things you can do to decrease the effect of the problem. You can use unscented toilet paper and fabric softener free detergents, avoid perfumed soaps, hot tubs, shampooing the vulvar region, wear loose cotton underwear, maintain vulva hygiene and rinse it after urinating with cool water. Also try to avoid consuming food which may lead to the irritating urination. Try not to put pressure on the vulva. In order to make the pain more bearable, use lukewarm baths, relax, put ice pack in a towel, apply it on the vulva after sex, while topical heat can be used in a combination with a heating pad. We have stated many treatments, and for the best results, you may have to try several treatments to find the one that suits you best. When you visit a doctor, he will give you some medications which may include nerve blocks, local anesthetics, interferon injections, anticonvulsants and antidepressants, while the therapies that can be used include biofeedback and physical therapy.
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