One of the most commoninfections in children is urine infection, and it can be caused by numerousfactors but in most cases this condition isn’t serious and it is treatedeasily. In order to understand what a urine infection is, it is important to understandwhat the urinary tract is made of. Every person has twokidneys and they produce urine that is kept in the bladder and passed outthrough urethra. When we go to the toilet we empty our bladder and in thecase of urine infection some bacteria appear in the urine. Normally, in mostcases, bacteria that is in our urine normally lives in other parts of our body,and when they get in the bladder or a kidney, an infection occurs. Thestatistics say that one boy out of 20, and 1 girl out of 10 has been treatedof at least one urine infection in the youth. The children that are 5 years oldare the most affected by urine infections. Medical terms that doctors usein urine infections are the following:
UTI, infection of theurinary tract. Lower urinary tractinfection, the infection is in kidneys or in the urethra Upper urinary tractinfection the infection is in the kidney or/and urethra Pyelonephritis meaningthe kidney infection Loin pain abdominalpain caused by a kidneySome of the symptomsthat appear in the children who are at the age of 1 to 6 are fever, vomiting,severe pain, changing of skin color in yellow, smelly urine and blood in urine(less often). So if a child has one of these symptoms a urine test shouldbe done, because in most cases we are dealing with urine infection. You shouldsuspect of urine infection in a child if it generally feels unwell, if itsuffers from abdominal pain or is wetting in bed. If a doctor suspects in aurine infection, a confirmation of diagnosis is done with a sample of urinewhich is tested. But how can one get a sample of urine from a child or ababy without being contaminated? It seems like an impossiblemission. Here we will give you some tips how to do it.
If you need to take asample from a child, you have to be prepared to do it at the moment when achild passes the urine. Don’t touch the rim of the bottle with fingers, so thata contamination would be prevented. In a case a baby, a doctor willgive you specially pad in a nappy and from that wet pad, urine shall be suckedinto a syringe. The other way to collect a urine sample from a baby is to stickto baby’s skin a plastic bag, and remove it after an hour or so. That urineshould be, as soon as possible, taken to doctor so that he could run a test.
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