Epstein Barr virus can create viral illness called mononucleosis that is highly contagious. The virus goes after the lymph nodes located on the throat and neck.
Mononucleosis belongs to a herpes virus family. The viruses strike usually in early period of life or early adult life, when the immune system is strongest in age group of 15-17. A person infected with virus spreads mononucleosis with throat or mouth moisture. The virus can be transmitted via any kind of touch with infected person: a mouth, toothbrush, drinking glass...anything really.
Diagnosis of blood and the presence of atypical white blood cells usually indicate on mononucleosis. There are 3 types of blood tests for diagnosing of mononucleosis:
a monospot test a heterophil antibodies testa physical examination to look for enlarged spleen or liverSymptoms of mononucleosis needs about 10 days to develop with children and 30-50 days with adults. Classic symptoms of mononucleosis are no appetite, chills, headache, having no energy at start. The combination of different symptoms might indicate clear enough on mononucleosis and such symptoms might be: rash, vomiting, fever, weight loss, stiffness of neck, bad sore throat, upset stomach, blown up eyelids, enlarged liver and spleen, swollen groin, armpits, or neck glands, or swollen eyes, muscle pain, a light jaundice, pain in chest, cough, light sensitivity, no breath, fast heart rate, bleeding from nose, hives etc...
In such case, mononucleosis requires taking enough water because it may come to dehydration, adenoids, enlarged tonsils, inflamed lymph tissue or ruptured enlarged spleen. In the later stage, patient may get liver inflammation, sac inflammation around heart, a heart muscle inflammation, brain inflammation or red blood cells falling apart.
Mono is pretty much the same as any other virus. It is also common the way it spreads. Patient need to rest and takes a lot of fluids. With decreasing of high temperature all other normal activities reside gradually in no time. Swollen lymph glands and fever should be treated with ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Sore throat is sorted with fruit juices, cool, bland foods and broths, also taken with Aspirin and salt water.
Antibiotics are used in case of throat streptococcal infection or corticosteroid medications if the swelling is really bad. If the spleen is enlarged, no sport activities are recommended for 4 or 5 weeks. Mono may cause depression and it may reappear couple of months later. Visit to doctor is required if:
if there is a fever after 10 daysif the breathing is noisy or groggy if there is an inflammation of the larynx (followed by bad cough, bad breathing, bad fever)if skin bleedsif skin is paleif there is a abdominal pain if there are sinus pain or ear painif patient can not sleepif swallowing is hard
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