Implantation is a process in which a fertilized egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus. This is the first step of pregnancy and once the egg is implanted it starts the life as embryo. The very penetration of the egg through the endometrium is the possible cause of minor bleeding. The egg must reach deep enough into the lining of the uterus and come in contact with mother's blood vessels. Only this way it can grow and develop normally into a healthy baby.
When Does Implantation Bleeding Occur?
Implantation bleeding generally occurs a bit before the expected menstrual bleeding. The menstrual bleeding occurs 14 days after the ovulation while implantation bleeding occurs between the 6th and 12th day after ovulation. So, the bleeding is common 3-4 weeks after the last menstrual bleeding. Such bleeding is basically in a form of intermittent spotting. It may occur in one day and last no longer than several minutes or linger for a couple of days. What are the Signs of Implantation Bleeding?
The color of implantation bleeding is much lighter comparing to a regular menstrual bleeding. The spotty discharge is pinkish or brownish and does not last long. Implantation bleeding is not accompanied by additional symptoms and signs. However, some women have reported cramping together with the presence of spotty vaginal discharge. Implantation bleeding is also accompanied by the increase in basal temperature which can be recorded if a woman measures her body temperature on a daily bases (in order to estimate the precise time of ovulation).
Once the implantation is finished after a short period of time the initial symptoms and signs of pregnancy such as nausea, vomiting, tender and swollen breasts, frequent urination, fatigue, abdominal bloating and increased sensitivity to odors develop.
The very presence of such symptoms points to the pregnancy and definitive confirmation is achieved with the blood test. The gynecologist must confirm regular intrauterine pregnancy and exclude ectopic pregnancy which carries many risks.
Knowing the Difference Between Implantation Bleeding and Menstruation
The major difference between menstrual bleeding and implantation bleeding is the appearance of vaginal discharge. During menstruation the bleeding is heavy and there is red blood coming from the vagina. The amount of blood varies but there is definitely much more blood comparing to implantation bleeding. In case of implantation bleeding the vaginal discharge is in a form of spotting blood. The discharge is pinkish or brownish and lighter comparing to fresh blood that occurs in menstrual bleeding. Implantation bleeding lasts only a day or may extend to two days while menstruation lasts longer than that.
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