Implantation bleeding is something women may or may not experience, but it is a normal process. In the following lines we will talk more about the implantation bleeding and the first thing you should know about it - that it can tell you whether you are pregnant or if the bleeding is a result of the normal period. Blood and tissue create a uterine lining due to the impact of the uterus and this occurs during the cycle. This lining provides the beneficial surrounding for the egg and this is where it can be fertilized. When a woman ovulates, the egg travels through the fallopian tube, enters the uterus and stays in the lining. But the egg can only stay here if it is fertilized because if it is not, it will be removed during the normal period. So, during the period, the area of the lining may be expelled and this is done via the small discharge, which is an implantation bleeding.
How to Recognize It?
You have to get more familiar with the implantation bleeding if you are going for the baby. Implantation bleeding is very hard to notice since it presents a small bloody spot. You have to know everything about the menstrual cycle so that you can know how long the implantation bleeding will stay. Beginning of the menstrual cycle and the implantation bleeding are usually mistaken since the implantation bleeding can happen one day after the period, or a week before. Every third woman detects the implantation bleeding, which usually occurs after 6 to 9 days of ovulation. When a period starts, usually the mild spotting first appears and then comes the heavier flow.
Well, implantation bleeding is more like a mild spotting and it is light pink or brownish in color. This will help you make a distinction between the normal period and the implantation bleeding, but know that you can only know for sure whether you are pregnant or not if you use the pregnancy test. See a doctor if the test for pregnancy is positive, but you experience a heavy blood flow. Implantation bleeding can happen 12 days following the fertilization and this also makes it hard for distinguishing from the normal period. In this situation, you will have to know how long this lasts. Pregnancy can be detected by the spotting lasting more than one or two days. Period can be detected by the unchanged color and spotting. Implantation bleeding can be experienced as a one spot and it does not have to be experienced for a whole day. For the end, we have to say that implementation bleeding differs from a woman to a woman, so it is better so talk to your doctor if you suspect of the implantation bleeding.
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