Women with one blocked tube may have a hard time getting pregnant, but if the other one is functioning properly a woman may be able to conceive and never know about the problem. Because of pressure due to scar tissue on the area surrounding the fallopian tubes, sometimes a woman will experience mild, persistent pelvic pain. Though this type of symptom is rarely encountered, it can occur as a mild, throbbing pain in the lower abdomen and can be limited to one side or the other. Abdominal pain can also be caused by an unrelated problem and may not even be related to blocked fallopian tubes. More rarely, a woman with block fallopian tubes may have to deal with recurrent episodes of severe, sharp abdominal pain which is usually central to one side of the pelvic region. The pain may be more noticeable during menstruation or ovulation and may prompt a woman to seek medical attention.
Recurrent, severe pain can also be related to another problem or condition such as endometriosis, PCOS, pelvic infection or gastrointestinal issues. Symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes can range from none at all to mild, moderate or severe. Surprisingly many women never even experience any type of noticeable symptoms and since severe pain is rare, a female can go many years without even knowing she has the problem. When a case of blocked fallopian tubes is suspected, a female should seek the advice of a qualified medical professional to receive a thorough and complete examination and definitive diagnosis.
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