Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of respiratory tract. Symptoms that develops as a consequence of changes within bronchia. These changes includes narrowing of the airways, inflammation of bronchia and excessive mucus production.
Basically all the patients experience rather similar symptoms. Coughing is regularly present. These patients cough due to increased production of mucus. Wheezing and shortness of breath are symptoms which develop due to tightening of the airways. Pressure in chest and pain in chest is a consequence of mutual effect of all structural changes within respiratory system. On the other hand not all the patients will present the previously mentioned symptoms. The symptoms and signs may vary from one attack to the following one. The intensity of symptoms also varies.
There are patients who are fighting asthma on daily bases as their symptoms tend not to vanish. Others experience asthma attacks occasionally. Infections of respiratory tract stress and physical strain may trigger the attack.
If a person from your surrounding is asthmatic you should be familiar with the warning sings of the attack in order to help the sick person. These signs are not so intensive and taking care of them may prevent the real attack. They include repeated cough, shortness of breath and wheezing especially after strain and exercises fatigue and troubles with sleeping. One suffering from asthma in these cases has to pay attention and to take increased dosage of anti asthma medication.
Asthma attack is severe outburst of the disease. The airways constrict and one cannot breathe properly. The inflamed bronchia become edematous which even leads to more severe shortness of breath. Mucus is produced in large amounts. Patient wheezes and coughs without interruption, the breathing is accelerated. Pain in the chest may be present and one starts panicking. The color of the face is white and over sweating is present as well. In rare occasions lips and fingernails of the patient become bluish. This condition is called cyanosis. A person cannot talk. Hospitalization is necessary in majority of patients and apart from bronchodilatators and additional medications these patients are administered oxygen.
What needs to be said is that not all the symptoms are usual and typical and does not have to include wheezing and shortness of breath. Rather rare symptoms and signs of asthma include accelerated breathing, fatigue, anxiety, problems with concentration and prolonged coughing without accompanying wheezing.
For all those who are suffering from asthma it it important that they take prescribed medications regularly and in case of increased strain, additional illnesses or stress to consult the doctor who will advise higher doses of the drugs but only within the period in which triggers can lead to asthma attacks.
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