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Obesity has many negative effects that are the physical, mental and social. It leads to numerous health problems and it is accompanied with signs and symptoms that often require medical help.

Obesity Overview

Obesity is a disease that became epidemic in modern society due to sedentary lifestyle. Approximately, every third American is considered to be overweight or obese and there are 1 billion people world wide that are extremely overweight. Obesity is determined by person’s body mass index (BMI). This disease is marked by at least 20% higher bodyweight than normal. Obese individual accumulates excess body fat that poses serious risk for health apart from being cosmetic concern. Obesity significantly increases the risk of hypertension, diabetes, cancer and other serious medical conditions. Obesity develops over time when a person eats more calories than they use. It can be also caused by hormonal imbalance, high fat diet, too much stress and anxiety.

Symptoms of ObesityIt is important to recognize early symptoms of obesity in order to prevent it or it may be fatal. Common symptom includes rapid weight gain, which is usually 4 to 5 kilos per month. In males, chest region becomes larger since fat tends to accumulate in that region whilst in women it accumulates in breasts, waist, thighs and upper arms. Big abdomen that may be marked with white blemishes is also a symptom of the disease. Shortness of breath is caused by obesity because body fat accumulates in the chest area and below the diaphragm. Snoring and sleep apnea are present too. Obese person usually experiences excessive sweating, fatigue and depression. Rash and infection in folds of the skin also results from obesity. The disease may cause indigestion and urinary incontinence particularly in women.

Effects of Obesity

Obesity affects both physical and mental health of a person. Major effect of obesity is decreased mobility due to breathlessness and fatigue. Heart function is significantly decreased due to obesity. High levels of blood cholesterol cause arteriosclerosis that can lead to coronary heart disease. Blood pressure tends to rise as weight increases hence obese people commonly suffer from hypertension which increases the risk of stroke and heart attack. Cancer is also related to obesity, particularly cancer of the colon, uterus, prostate, gallbladder and kidney. Weight-bearing joints are affected by obesity and people with this condition usually suffer from joint pain and arthritis. Additionally, obesity is associated with number of psychosocial problems which can lead to social isolation, low self-esteem and depression. Obese people are often discriminated too and their careers and earning power is usually affected by the disease.

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