What can cause the swelling in the calf?
The most frequent reasons for the swelling in the calf are sprains and injuries. The calf is likely to be sprained should one experience a muscle spasm in the area. Sportsmen often sprain calf muscles when warming up for practice or a game. Also, any kind of damage to the leg or its bones may end up having consequences in the form of swelling of the calf muscle.
Baker’scyst is another possible cause of calf swelling. Baker’s cyst is a kind of hernia which forms a mass behind the knee and sometimes it can be so troublesome as to spread in the form of surrounding swelling reaching the calf as well and reduce the ability to move.
Anothercondition widely known as Charley Horse can also result in the swelling of the calf. This is the condition that occurs when an injury to the leg disrupts the hormonal balance.
Finally, an unhealthy diet can also lead to the swelling of the calf muscle. This is because the body requires the essential nutrients in order to function properly and a diet that doesn’t include enough vitamins and minerals, particularly calcium and magnesium, makes it more prone to sustaining injuries, one of which is a swollen calf.
How to treat the swollen calf muscle?
The most basic thing to remember is not to put any pressure on the muscle and make sure to rest until the swelling subsides. One other pretty basic method to try and relieve the swelling and numb the pain is holding an ice pack or a cloth soaked in really cold water over the injury.
After the immediate swelling has reduced, it’s good to take up some very light exercise in order to improve the blood circulation and make the swelling go away faster. Also, while resting, it’s important to make sure to hold the leg as high as possible for the same reasons.
Another thing to try out is a gentle massage with the right kind of oil because it really can do wonders for it. Olive oil, sesame oil and mustard oil are all valid options.
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