Introduction to Stomach Bloating
Generally speaking, bloating affects everyone from time to time. It is a form of and uncomfortable overstuffed feeling. This might happen after excessive drinking (for instance, beer has been known to cause bloating), or overeating. It may be unpleasant, but people know that it will, at some point, pass, and not bother them again. However, there are certain people that seem to have this feeling each and every day. It is very important that these people find the reason why they have this feeling, in order to get rid of it successfully.
Causes of BloatingThere are several causes of bloating. These include:
Stress. Stress generally harms one’s health, and, in some cases, may be the cause of bloating. It has been scientifically proven that there exists a connection between emotions and the digestive system. Some people simply do not eat when they are under a lot of stress, but, for others, it may cause them to eat excessively, and fast, so that they just keep on “gulping” food. This means that they take in too much air, which then causes bloating. Furthermore, fizzy drinks that people tend to drink when they are stressed out are also a contributing factor. There are several ways of dealing with stress. Most importantly, a person needs to learn how to relax. There are several relaxation techniques that might help. Or, if they do not work, hypnosis is always an option. Relieving the stress should make the bloating go away. Irritable bowel syndrome. This is a very common disorder among people. It is characterized by abdominal pain, diarrhea, gas, changes in bowel habits, and bloating. If a person thinks they suffer from this condition, they should consult a doctor. He will, then prescribe medication that will help one deal with this condition. However, there are a few things one might do to restore the balance of the digestive system. One should drink yogurt, which helps restore the good bacteria in one’s stomach. Also, there is a dietary supplement called beano that might just do the trick. It is supposed to reduce the effect of gas that is caused by some types of food. Salt , or processed food. Even the smallest amount of excessive sodium in one’s diet may cause bloating. This is why one should drink more water, it helps flush the sodium out. Fluid retention. There is a way of testing oneself for fluid retention. One should press their thumb onto the lower leg for a few seconds. Then, after releasing the pressure, one should gently feel for indentations. If there is, in fact, an indentation, that might mean that one is suffering from fluid retention. PMT (Pre-menstrual Tension). The bloating occurs just before the period, but tends to get much better when the bleeding starts.Food intolerance. This means that the body cannot digest certain types of food as well as it is supposed to. Lactose intolerance is a common cause of bloating. Any disease that can cause intestinal inflammation (such as, Crohn’s disease or colon cancer) may be the cause of bloating.
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