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Basics aboutsilent heart attacks

Apart fromthe regular heart attack, there is a condition to which experts refer as silentheart attack. Of course, they differ in some respects. According to somesources, the silent variant can be considered even as the more dangerous onethen the regular heart attack, which goes hand in hand with strong pain in thechest. On the other hand, the silent variant can have extremely subtle signswhich can put a person into a very tricky situation.

Unlike duringthe regular heart attack, no chest pain typically occurs during the silentheart attack. This is a precarious situation, since strong pain in the chest isone of the most important signs of an incoming heart attack. This means thatthe early stages of a silent variant can very easily go unnoticed. Unfortunately,some 25 to 30 percent of all heart attacks are of this type.

It isimportant to remember that the signs of this type of heart attack are extremelygentle and delicate, and therefore more dangerous since it makes it verydifficult for the doctor or the patients themselves to determine that a heartattack is incoming. Because of the fact that this condition is so difficult tonotice, it has been dubbed “the silent killer”.

Earliest signsof silent heart attack

Although subtle,there are some signs which most typically accompany the silent heart attack. Inmost cases, what the patient will feel is as if a small scale pressure is beingapplied to the central region of their chest. In case the patient rests for awhile, these symptoms tend to disappear. Apart from this, a person might experiencesome troubles with sleeping.

In addition, increased fatigue might be anotherearly symptom. Although very subtle, these symptoms require attention andadequate steps for prevention of the heart attack.

The riskgroups for the silent heart attack

Some peopleare more prone to getting this specific type of heart attack than other people.Here we have patients suffering from diabetes, people with heart conditions,with high levels of blood cholesterol and those who suffer from elevated levelsof blood pressure.

Apart from these factors, there are some others whichtypically go hand in hand with the silent heart attack. Here, we have smoking,as well as excessive body mass. All of this means that prevention is the keyfactor in avoiding the silent killer. It is in a way easier to forestall itthan recognize the signs.

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