About vancomycin
Vancomycin is one of the medicines from the very large groupcalled antibiotics, which are used mainly in the treatment of bacterialinfections because either they prevent the growth of these microorganisms, orthey destroy them. The infections that are possible to treat with vancomycincan be related to any part of the body, because this type ofantibiotic is used when other types failed in giving any positive results, orwhen bacteria which has to be fought developed resistance to other types ofantibiotics. However, besides infections, vancomycin proved to be helpful inthe treatment of diseases related to heart valve, as well as in the preventionof endocarditis. It is usually found and used in the form of injection, thoughit can be found as soluble powder as well.
Possible side effectsof vancomycin
Even though this medicine may have a wide range of benefits there are some adverse effects that may occur as well. It is important to pointout that generally, they are very rarely experienced, but however, people whoare prescribed with vancomycin, should be informed about them, just in case. Sorethroat, nausea, vomiting, appetite loss, increased thirst and change in thefrequency or the amount of urination, fever and coughing are a bit more commonin comparison to symptoms such as tenderness, cramps, pain, bruising, or bleedingin the abdominal area, diarrhea which may be watery or bloody, hearing loss orother problems with hearing. Older people are a bit more prone to experiencing thesesymptoms.
When it comes to the side effects of vancomycin, thesymptoms which include fast heartbeat, itching, rash or redness on any part ofthe body, drop of blood pressure, fever, or even fainting, indicate theso-called ‘’red man syndrome’’, and medical help is advised in such cases.
However, the person prescribed with vancomycin should beaware of the fact that some of the symptoms do not necessarily have to appearright after the first dose of this medicine; they may appear even several weeksafter that. In order to prevent possible interactions, the doctor will have tobe informed about all the other medicines that the patient may be using at thatmoment. He will also have to check medical history of the patient, to makesure that he or she does not suffer from certain conditions in which theuse of this medicine is not advised.
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