Increased blood pressure or hypertension
Hypertension is thr increased arterial blood pressure, which signifies mechanical pressure of the blood on the inner walls of the arteries. Hypertension can be essential (it is the most frequent type) and secondary, when it is a consequence of some illnesses. Those illnesses are kidney diseases, hypertension caused by contraception meds, hypertension in gravidity. Hypertension causes are numerous, so we can say that this is a multifactorial illness. Those factors include:
genetics, which is common for essential type,age,sympathetic nervous system, because emotional factor that lead to narrowing of blood vessels,arteriosclerosis,intake of high amount of salt,obesity,physical inactivity,diabetes, since the fact is that two third of diabetes patients suffer from hypertension, andalcohol.Symptoms that follow hypertension depend on the values of the blood pressure. Dizziness, unstable walk, tinnitus (ear ringing), vision problems, headache in the back neck area, are all major signs of hypertension.
Hypertension medications
Medications used for hypertension are diuretics, which increase excretion of sodium and in that way reduce the amount of the fluid that circulates in the blood, thus decreasing the pressure on the blood vessels. A side effect from taking diuretics is loss of potassium, which has to be taken via potassium Chloride, or fruits that contain potassium. Diuretics can also cause hyperglycemia, which creates additional problems for diabetes and worsens the condition. In this situation, oral meds for diabetes lose their effectiveness. Those meds are called thiazides, and they also increase levels of cholesterol and triglyceride in the blood plasma, but their effects deteriorate already existing kidney and liver problems.
Second group of meds affects adrenergic activity, which is a function of the nervous system that regulates widening and narrowing of the blood vessels. Side effects that can happen when these meds are used are bradycardia (decreased number of heart bits), diarrhea, dizziness, sore throat, ejaculation problems (ejaculation needs good adrenergic activity), depression, weakness etc. Side effects are sometimes very intensive and therapy has to be stopped. Constipation is also possible.
Adrenergic beta blockers have several mechanism used for decreasing blood pressure and side effects that might appear are created because of blockage of beta receptors in the heart, liver and lungs. If a patient already suffers from a heart condition, additional heart issues might emerge. Also, if the therapy with adrenergic blockers ends suddenly, issues like tachycardia, nervousness, even cardiac arrest can happen.
Side effects of hypertension medications when it comes to adrenergic alpha blockers include hypertension, dizziness, headache, and exhaustion. Similar side effects exist in a therapy when anti hypertension vasodilatation meds are used.
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