The pancreas is responsible for the production of insulin, which monitors the proper use of food and especially sugar. Patients suffering from diabetes cannot produce sugar, or it is misused by insulin. Diabetes comes in two forms. The one is non-insulin-dependent, and can be treated by medications, like Metformin and chlorpropamide, and a certain change in nutrition. While this type needs occasional injections, the insulin-dependent will demand taking injections during entire life. The insulin is produced from pork and beef pancreas. It is very safe to use this animal based insulin. But in some cases there were certain allergic reactions. This pancreas has the same structure as human’s, but you can also take semi-synthetic product, made from human insulin. The animal insulin can last up until 60 minutes and start to work in 30-60 minutes. Also, there can be varieties, made to fit the patient. For example, a mix of a protamine and zinc in a combination with insulin will give a lasting period of 36 hours. But it starts to work after 4 to 6 hours.
Before taking the Humulin, there are several steps you need to do. The first thing you should do with any medication is to read the instructions. Try to follow these instructions meticulously. Next, use alcohol to clear the syringe first. Remember to use the prescribed dose and use everything from the injection. Also, do not inject on the same spot as previous one. The distance should be no less than half an inch. Insulin has to be kept in cool places, such as refrigerator (not the freezer), and dark locations. It shouldn't be exposed to the direct sunlight. Your doctor will need to know if you have missed a dose. Although we stated that insulin must be kept cold, there are many diverse types of insulin. So try to read the label and instruction on how and where to preserve it. Certain types can spend 48 hours out of the refrigerator. Be careful not to accidentally mix insulin and some other fluid.
There are several possible complications after taking Humulin. They are rare, but they demand attention. Some serious side effects are decreased blood pressure, whole body rash, wheezing, shallow breathing, short breath, increased pulse rate and perspiration. Mild cases show certain redness or inching and swelling of the injection area. If blood sugar is low, due to the drug, sugar should be consumed to bring balance. This usually occurs when alcohol or drugs are consumed, when there is excessive use of insulin, skipping meals, too much activity, and infection. When you have low blood sugar you will experience headache, hunger, blurred vision, anxiety, nausea, nervousness, restlessness, rapid heartbeat, sweating and many more. Always seek medical attention if the effects are remaining. Even coma and disorientation can happen is such serious cases. There is a possibility of insufficient insulin intake. In these cases, patient will experience flushing, problems with appetite and breathing, thirst, increased pulse and drowsiness. Ketones in urine can lead to death, so any illness has to be reported to the doctor.
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