No Time for Doing Nothing
Even though many believe that pregnantwomen should rest as much as they can, this is not necessarily thecase. Namely, in order to relieve them of many problems of beingpregnant, they are highly advised to do some light exercising on aregular basis, throughout their pregnancy. This will prevent themfrom suffering from constipation or any problems regarding thedigestive tract. Additionally, it will help them get stronger andmore capable of carrying their baby. Their back pain and the strainon the ligaments and muscles will be reduced to a minimum by simplydoing easy exercises regularly. Pregnant women who exercise will havestronger and more flexible muscles and a better posture. Moreover,the whole labor will be easier to endure once your body is in goodshape. Nevertheless, before indulging into any type of excessivephysical exercise it is best to consult with your doctor.
First Trimester Exercises
It is always good to have a good, earlystart with your exercising. In order to better your blood circulationand ensure your body's regular detoxification, improving yoursleeping and regeneration patterns, you might consider making walkingand swimming your regular routine. Nevertheless, be careful, sinceyou do not want to walk on a hot or humid days. As for swimming, makeit a must, one twenty-minute session each week.
Additionally, you can start practicingrelaxation techniques and correct breathing accompanying them, alongwith kegel exercises which will help you keep your pelvic muscles ingood shape, making your labor easier, and your regenerationafterwards quicker.
Second Trimester Exercises
Once in this period, keep leading anactive life, but keep it slow and moderate at the same time. Continueyour swimming sessions, as well as your walking or even jogging.However, do not overdo it and stay relaxed throughout the process.Continuing your relaxation and breathing exercises, along with yoga,will help you with that. Introduce light weight lifting whilesitting. With all of these, reduce the intensity once you get in yoursixth month of pregnancy.
Third Trimester Exercises
In this period, be as gentle as youcan. Stop lifting weights, jogging and doing anything involving youlying on your back. Keep walking and doing yoga only if you feel finewhile doing these. Restrain yourself from anything that bothers you.
Finally, throughout the whole pregnancyperiod, make sure you drink plenty of water and eat well. In cases ofany problems or abnormalities during your pregnancy, seek medicalattention immediately.
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