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The problem that makes the movement of the body very difficult is the rhomboid muscle pain and we will talk about this condition in the following lines. We will see what causes this problem and how can it be treated. First we will give more information about the muscle that is affected by this problem. These muscles are located in the back's upper region and are shaped as a diamond or rhomboid as the name suggests it. The rhomboid muscles are attached to the bones and their movement is voluntarily controlled. These thin skeletal muscles are attached to the spine via the shoulder blade's inner edges. They are responsible for the correct posture of the shoulders since they are involved with the relaxation and contraction of the muscles in question. The locations where this pain is experienced are shoulder blades and upper back area.

Causes and Symptoms

Rhomboid muscles can suffer from a spasm or a strain and this is one of the main causes for the pain in these muscles. The spasms and strains can occur due to the arms and shoulders excessive use and this is mostly associated with playing sports or with carrying something heavy on the shoulders. The problem may be caused by bad posture, sudden bending, reaching out for an object, or doing overhead rhomboid exercises. The symptoms were are discussing may be created due to chronic mental stress.

Once the problem is recognized, there may be a diagnosis of overstretched or torn muscle fibers. When the problem is present, there will be discomfort or pain experienced in the area between the shoulder blades and the spine. Moving will make the pain stronger and sometimes the pain can be aggravated by a breath intake. The muscle tightness or knot is a feeling that is felt when a rhomboid muscles spasm, which is caused by the involuntary twitch.


Resting is very important in the process of the treatment. Also, ice packs need to be applied every 4 to 5 hours for 15 to 20 minutes. This should be done during the first several days of the treatment. You need to put some crushed ice in the bag, place it on the floor and lie down of the bag in order for the bag to be placed under the muscles affected. The pain decreases if you do this for 3 days, but in some cases, the pain may remain the same. Application of heat is needed if this occurs, but remember that heat cannot be applied during the night. See a doctor who will give you anti-inflammatory and pain relief medications. But this type of treatment needs to be short-lasting. Physical therapy is the next treatment option. This is a very effective treatment. Stretching is needed when the pain is eliminated and due to these stretches, the muscles will regain their flexibility and strength. There are many factors that influence the recovery time length, but generally, several weeks are needed for minor injuries, while approximately six weeks are needed for the serious ones.

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