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There is an easy way to find out if your baby has a fever. You only have to feel your baby’s forehead, and if it is hotter than usually, then your baby has a fever. Temperature that is normal for a baby is 97-100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (36-38 degrees Celsius). The best time to call a doctor is probably when you think that there is something wrong with your baby. If your baby has a fever, it is a sign that his or her body if fighting against some infection. A high fever does not have to be an indicator that your baby has a fever. It is a fact that temperature raises in the late afternoon and early evening, so that is the time when doctors have their hands full of work.

Pediatricians give us a guideline, so that we know if our baby has a temperature.

The most usual symptoms of high temperature in a baby are to be described in the following text. If a baby is under six months, and has a high temperature (100.4ºF), a doctor must be called as soon as possible. Just the same, if a baby is over 6 months old and has a 103ºF, a doctor should be called. First, a doctor asks you what kind of symptoms your baby has. By telling him everything that you notice, you can make it easier for a doctor to set diagnosis.


There are some symptoms which suggest that you should immediately go to the doctor, such as red dots on skin and difficulty in breathing (which indicates pneumonia or bronchitis). Ibuprofen (not for babies under 6 months) or acetaminophen is used to decrease body temperature. The dosage of medicine depends upon baby’s body weight. It is important to give the right amount of the prescribed medicine. Aspirin is not to be given to a baby, because it makes a child liable to Reye's syndrome. It is necessary to mention that you should not give to your baby any kind of medicine unless it is prescribed by a doctor. There is a possibility that the cough over-the-counter medicines contain ibuprofen and that amount of medicine would be too much for a baby. There are some home treatment possibilities for reducing your baby’s body temperature, like sponging with lukewarm water.

If your baby has a seizure, it can be terrifying, but it happens, so try to help your baby by lying her on side. Medicines which reduce fever are only intended for temperature, so the temperature of your baby may come back. It could mean that the baby's body isn’t clean of infection, it is still fighting.

Fever can be a symptom of a variety of diseases, from cough to meningitis. If you notice any signs of fever in your baby, do not hesitate; take her straight to the nearest doctor.

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